Look at the financial risks in real time with

Look at the financial risks in real time with

Accuracy of 90% for decision making

Accuracy of 90% for decision making

Accuracy of 90% for decision making

This was the solution that Semantix developed for the financial sector: a modeling methodology for low default portfolios on a single platform so that your operation can see today what could be identified too late.

This was the solution that Semantix developed for the financial sector: a modeling methodology for low default portfolios on a single platform so that your operation can see today what could be identified too late.




from accuracy to risk analysis

from accuracy to risk analysis

from accuracy to risk analysis




faster in risk modeling

faster in risk modeling

faster in risk modeling

Analyzing financial risk is like this.

Analyzing financial risk is like this.

Analyzing financial risk is like this.

It is necessary to gather a complex credit committee for decision-making. And to make it a bit more difficult, it can be quite costly.

And as if all this work were not enough, there is still the risk that the committees may not get the amounts they need.

It is necessary to gather a complex credit committee for decision-making. And to make it a bit more difficult, it can be quite costly.

And as if all this work were not enough, there is still the risk that the committees may not get the amounts they need.

It is necessary to gather a complex credit committee for decision-making. And to make it a bit more difficult, it can be quite costly.

And as if all this work were not enough, there is still the risk that the committees may not get the amounts they need.

So why not automate?

So why not automate?

So why not automate?

Well, that’s what Semantix did by creating an exclusive modeling to ensure real-time decision-making with 90% accuracy for risk analysis.

It’s a highly complex solution that Semantix made easy and quick for you to use. And, trust us, you and your clients will only benefit.

Well, that’s what Semantix did by creating an exclusive modeling to ensure real-time decision-making with 90% accuracy for risk analysis.

It’s a highly complex solution that Semantix made easy and quick for you to use. And, trust us, you and your clients will only benefit.

Well, that’s what Semantix did by creating an exclusive modeling to ensure real-time decision-making with 90% accuracy for risk analysis.

It’s a highly complex solution that Semantix made easy and quick for you to use. And, trust us, you and your clients will only benefit.

Have a platform in hand

Have a platform in hand

Have a platform in hand

super powerful

super powerful

super powerful

Certain economy

Save hundreds of thousands of reals and weeks of waiting to make decisions in real time.

Real time management

Evaluate the risk and price your operations with the most up-to-date information from the counterparty and market conditions.

Connect Any Financial Agent

Make decisions and carry out transactional activities such as credit registration, asset exchange, and reporting to unit holders.

Quantitative analyses

Customize your modeling for wallets of any complexity, such as low default risk wallets.

Make your analysis routine easier

Have a complete analysis tool in hand and empower your team to develop the intelligences according to your needs.

Quick decisions

Gather data from different sources, such as major bureaus and alternative sources, and automate your decision-making process.

Do not wait for the risk to arrive.

Do not wait for the risk to arrive.

Do not wait for the risk to arrive.

And even if you prefer to develop your own credit models, here's a piece of advice for those who live to advise: it is better to rely on a fully integrated end-to-end platform.

At the very least, you will ensure 50% more speed to reach the solution that your clients need.

And even if you prefer to develop your own credit models, here's a piece of advice for those who live to advise: it is better to rely on a fully integrated end-to-end platform.

At the very least, you will ensure 50% more speed to reach the solution that your clients need.

And even if you prefer to develop your own credit models, here's a piece of advice for those who live to advise: it is better to rely on a fully integrated end-to-end platform.

At the very least, you will ensure 50% more speed to reach the solution that your clients need.

Raise your clients' confidence in you to 90%.

Raise your clients' confidence in you to 90%.

Raise your clients' confidence in you to 90%.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Why Semantix?

Why Semantix?

Why Semantix?

Is it expensive?

Is it expensive?

Is it expensive?

And what is included in the package of your products?

And what is included in the package of your products?

And what is included in the package of your products?

São Paulo

Rua Butantã, 468 4th floor – Pinheiros - São Paulo/SP – Brazil - 05424-140
+55 11 5082-2656

Semantix Technology in Information Systems S.a.
CNPJ: 09.162.524/0001-53

São Paulo

Rua Butantã, 468 4th floor – Pinheiros - São Paulo/SP – Brazil - 05424-140
+55 11 5082-2656

Semantix Technology in Information Systems S.a. CNPJ: 09.162.524/0001-53

São Paulo

Rua Butantã, 468 4th floor – Pinheiros - São Paulo/SP – Brazil - 05424-140
+55 11 5082-2656

Semantix Technology in Information Systems S.a. CNPJ: 09.162.524/0001-53