Transparency report

Transparency report

The objective of Law 14.611/2023 and all other legal measures that seek equality among all individuals are valued and endorsed by Semantix. However, Semantix informs that the Transparency and Equal Pay Report prepared by the Ministry of Labor and Employment – now available on the Semantix website.

Firstly, it is noted that the main data extracted by the Ministry of Labor and Employment for the preparation of the Transparency and Equal Pay Report was obtained from the Annual Social Information Relation (“RAIS”) of 2022. It does not, therefore, represent the current labor force.

Secondly, Semantix has a career plan, divided into levels of seniority, differentiating the levels of responsibility and autonomy in each position, which is not considered by the Ministry of Labor and Employment. In preparing this career plan, Semantix values, according to the law, the length of time in the company and the time in the position. Thus, dividing the workforce into simple subgroups through the Brazilian Occupational Code (“CBO”), as done by the Ministry of Labor and Employment, without considering specific characteristics of each position and each department, causes distortions.

Semantix impacts people's lives and is a reference in its field of activity. It always operates with ethics, which is one of the principles that drives the company and is present within our environment.

The objective of Law 14.611/2023 and all other legal measures that seek equality among all individuals are valued and endorsed by Semantix. However, Semantix informs that the Transparency and Equal Pay Report prepared by the Ministry of Labor and Employment – now available on the Semantix website.
Firstly, it is noted that the main data extracted by the Ministry of Labor and Employment for the preparation of the Transparency and Equal Pay Report was obtained from the Annual Social Information Relation (“RAIS”) of 2022. It does not, therefore, represent the current labor force.
Secondly, Semantix has a career plan, divided into levels of seniority, differentiating the levels of responsibility and autonomy in each position, which is not considered by the Ministry of Labor and Employment. In preparing this career plan, Semantix values, according to the law, the length of time in the company and the time in the position. Thus, dividing the workforce into simple subgroups through the Brazilian Occupational Code (“CBO”), as done by the Ministry of Labor and Employment, without considering specific characteristics of each position and each department, causes distortions.
Semantix impacts people's lives and is a reference in its field of activity. It always operates with ethics, which is one of the principles that drives the company and is present within our environment.

Source of the Report: Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE).

Source of the Report: Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE).

The objective of Law 14.611/2023 and all other legal measures that seek equality among all individuals are valued and endorsed by Semantix. However, Semantix informs that the Transparency and Equal Pay Report prepared by the Ministry of Labor and Employment – now available on the Semantix website.
Firstly, it is noted that the main data extracted by the Ministry of Labor and Employment for the preparation of the Transparency and Equal Pay Report was obtained from the Annual Social Information Relation (“RAIS”) of 2022. It does not, therefore, represent the current labor force.
Secondly, Semantix has a career plan, divided into levels of seniority, differentiating the levels of responsibility and autonomy in each position, which is not considered by the Ministry of Labor and Employment. In preparing this career plan, Semantix values, according to the law, the length of time in the company and the time in the position. Thus, dividing the workforce into simple subgroups through the Brazilian Occupational Code (“CBO”), as done by the Ministry of Labor and Employment, without considering specific characteristics of each position and each department, causes distortions.
Semantix impacts people's lives and is a reference in its field of activity. It always operates with ethics, which is one of the principles that drives the company and is present within our environment.

Source of the Report: Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE).

Source of the Report: Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE).

São Paulo

Rua Butantã, 468 4th floor – Pinheiros - São Paulo/SP – Brazil - 05424-140
+55 11 5082-2656

Semantix Technology in Information Systems S.a.
CNPJ: 09.162.524/0001-53

São Paulo

Rua Butantã, 468 4th floor – Pinheiros - São Paulo/SP – Brazil - 05424-140
+55 11 5082-2656

Semantix Technology in Information Systems S.a. CNPJ: 09.162.524/0001-53

São Paulo

Rua Butantã, 468 4th floor – Pinheiros - São Paulo/SP – Brazil - 05424-140
+55 11 5082-2656

Semantix Technology in Information Systems S.a. CNPJ: 09.162.524/0001-53