Professional Services

We specialize in data
& artificial intelligence

We are specialized in data & artificial intelligence

We are specialized in data & artificial intelligence

Have at your disposal for your project Scientists, Data Engineers, Analysts, and all the necessary infrastructure to generate results.

Have at your disposal for your project Scientists, Data Engineers, Analysts, and all the necessary infrastructure to generate results.

Have at your disposal for your project Scientists, Data Engineers, Analysts, and all the necessary infrastructure to generate results.


Have specialized professionals

Have specialized professionals

Have specialized professionals

Semantix is the largest deep tech company in Latin America, driven by highly skilled technology professionals.


Save on hiring

Save on hiring

Save on hiring

Save time and costs by having a tailored team at your disposal to achieve the desired results.


Ready for your project

Ready for your project

Ready for your project

Our specialists work in various sectors, including retail, health, finance, industry, telecommunications, and much more.

Times suited to your needs

Times suited to your needs

Times suited to your needs


Hire without bureaucracy

Bring your project and we will arrange all the necessary professionals.


High specialization in data

Our focus is to generate value in end-to-end data, accelerating your journey.


Data Driven Culture in practice

Reap all the technological benefits of having a data and results-driven culture.


Accelerated modeling

With the Semantix Data Platform, your data modeling will be incredibly accelerated.


Shorten or extend deadlines

The Semantix technology team will be at your disposal for as long as you need.


Professionals updated in AI

Our professionals are up to date with the leading certifications and technologies related to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Hora de acelerar a sua jornada de valor com dados

Hora de acelerar a sua jornada de valor com dados

Hora de acelerar a sua jornada de valor com dados

Alcance todo seu potencial gerando economia e prevendo riscos através dos dados

Our numbers
speak for us

Our numbers
speak for us

Our numbers
speak for us

Somos a maior deep tech da América Latina. Conosco, estão os melhores. E, com você, também.

Somos a maior deep tech da América Latina. Conosco, estão os melhores. E, com você, também.


anos de experiência em 
projetos de tecnologia


specialized professionals
in updated technologies


comprehensive support
for your project


Companies served
all over the world

Explore by Industry

Explore by Industry






Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Why Semantix?

Why Semantix?

Why Semantix?

Is it expensive?

Is it expensive?

Is it expensive?

And what is included in the package of your products?

And what is included in the package of your products?

And what is included in the package of your products?

São Paulo

Rua Butantã, 468 4th floor – Pinheiros - São Paulo/SP – Brazil - 05424-140
+55 11 5082-2656

Semantix Technology in Information Systems S.a.
CNPJ: 09.162.524/0001-53

São Paulo

Rua Butantã, 468 4th floor – Pinheiros - São Paulo/SP – Brazil - 05424-140
+55 11 5082-2656

Semantix Technology in Information Systems S.a. CNPJ: 09.162.524/0001-53

São Paulo

Rua Butantã, 468 4th floor – Pinheiros - São Paulo/SP – Brazil - 05424-140
+55 11 5082-2656

Semantix Technology in Information Systems S.a. CNPJ: 09.162.524/0001-53