Solutions for Industry

We scale the production process with data and AI

We scale the production process with data and AI

We scale the production process with data and AI

Use our expertise to reduce problems on the production line, improve inspection processes, and decrease post-sales complaints.

Use our expertise to reduce problems on the production line, improve inspection processes, and decrease post-sales complaints.

Use our expertise to reduce problems on the production line, improve inspection processes, and decrease post-sales complaints.

Success cases

Success cases

Precision of 91% in the processes of the production line of a large vehicle manufacturer.

Precision of 91% in the processes of the production line of a large vehicle manufacturer.

Precision of 91% in the processes of the production line of a large vehicle manufacturer.

Data and AI allied in production with responsibility

Data and AI allied in production with responsibility

Data and AI allied in production with responsibility

AI enables a smarter industry that wastes less, consumes fewer resources, and respects the environment. This means mass production with a much lower environmental impact.

This is Semantix's commitment to combining data and AI, generating quality jobs while taking care of the planet.

AI enables a smarter industry that wastes less, consumes fewer resources, and respects the environment. This means mass production with a much lower environmental impact.

This is Semantix's commitment to combining data and AI, generating quality jobs while taking care of the planet.

Transforme sua indústria com precisão, automação e inteligência

Transforme sua indústria com precisão, automação e inteligência

Transforme sua indústria com precisão, automação e inteligência


More precision in the production process

More precision in the production process

Nós sabemos a complexidade de uma linha de produção, por isso garantimos a redução de quebras e otimização de processos. Sua logística precisa de atenção constante.


Automate your manual processes

Automate your manual processes

Hora da transformação digital: conquiste agilidade no acesso às informações. Catalogue, higienize e padronize todos os dados de produção da sua indústria.

Semantix Industry accelerates its production journey through data.

Semantix Industry accelerates its production journey through data.

Semantix Industry accelerates its production journey through data.


We integrate data

From all of your industrial areas and production lines.


We facilitate data governance

With automatic cleaning and normalization.


We anticipate failures in equipment and processes.

To ensure a significant reduction in recalls.


We make your life easier

With automated reports and user-friendly reports (without needing a technician at your side).

With automated reports and user-friendly reports (without needing a technician at your side).


We use artificial intelligence

To optimize the processes of your production line.

To optimize the processes of your production line.


We improved the after-sales indexes.

Creating a single source of truth for your decision making.

Creating a single source of truth for your decision making.

Time to accelerate your value journey with data.

Time to accelerate your value journey with data.

Time to accelerate your value journey with data.

Reach your full potential by generating savings and forecasting risks through data.

Reach your full potential by generating savings and forecasting risks through data.

Transforme dados em resultados

Transforme dados em resultados

See some of the results obtained after implementing our solution at a large vehicle manufacturer

See some of the results obtained after implementing our solution at a large vehicle manufacturer




de pontuação de precisão na linha de montagem

de pontuação de precisão na linha de montagem

de pontuação de precisão na linha de montagem




de redução em acionamentos de garantia

de redução em acionamentos de garantia

de redução em acionamentos de garantia




de ganho em produtividade já a curto prazo

de ganho em produtividade já a curto prazo

de ganho em produtividade já a curto prazo

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Why Semantix?

Why Semantix?

Why Semantix?

Is it expensive?

Is it expensive?

Is it expensive?

And what is included in the package of your products?

And what is included in the package of your products?

And what is included in the package of your products?

São Paulo

Rua Butantã, 468 4th floor – Pinheiros - São Paulo/SP – Brazil - 05424-140
+55 11 5082-2656

Semantix Technology in Information Systems S.a.
CNPJ: 09.162.524/0001-53

São Paulo

Rua Butantã, 468 4th floor – Pinheiros - São Paulo/SP – Brazil - 05424-140
+55 11 5082-2656

Semantix Technology in Information Systems S.a. CNPJ: 09.162.524/0001-53

São Paulo

Rua Butantã, 468 4th floor – Pinheiros - São Paulo/SP – Brazil - 05424-140
+55 11 5082-2656

Semantix Technology in Information Systems S.a. CNPJ: 09.162.524/0001-53